Thursday, February 18, 2016

My Heart is Full!

For all of those that missed my story tonight here is the link! My heart is SO full! Dan Rascon did such an amazing job. I just absolutely love KUTV 2News. 

The whole team at KUTV are so amazing I'm honored to call Shauna Lake, Mark Koelbel, and Dan Rascon friends. Thank you for telling my story so eloquently and helping me spread Love and CF Awareness! It's people like you that will help make CF stand for CURE FOUND! Breathe out Love! Xo 

Love To Breathe Award

Tonight I had the honor to present the Love To Breathe Award® to Sue Meihls, the pediatric CF nurse at Primary Children's Hospital. 

She is very deserving of this award, and is everything this award stands for and more. Sue is passionate about CF, she's out in the community making a difference, she is always raising awareness, and she is loved by so many in the CF community. Sue ultimately wants CF to stand for CURE FOUND!! 

Her tireless efforts give so much hope and comfort to so many families. She goes above and beyond every single day. She's magical really, she can complete tasks and get things done even before anyone knows they are tasks. 

I asked some of her peers, her patients and their families and her friends to describe her in one word these are the words that were used. Tenacious, Perfection, Friend, Compassionate, Empathetic, Reliable, Trust Worthy, Dedicated, Mother Bear, Loving, Hope, Devoted, Comforting, Hard Working, Passionate, INSANELYorganized, Sufficient, Thorough, Dedicated, Tan, Committed and 

Congratulations Sue, thank you for ALL that you do everyday! 
Breathe out Love! Xo❤️