The newest Heroes of Hope Hero.....
I had the pleasure of interviewing Max last June, he is such a great inspiration and a definite hero. He started college this fall and is an AMAZING runner. Read a little bit of our interview below.
Max DeLawyer
Heroes of Hope Panel member and CF advocate Somer Love sat down with our newest Hero, Max DeLawyer, 18, to discuss the challenges that young adults with cystic fibrosis face and how he has been successful in balancing his disease management, sports, schoolwork and a busy social life.
Somer: Congratulations on being named a Hero of Hope! You have such an amazing, positive attitude and I’m really impressed by all your great accomplishments. Can you give us a quick snapshot of your experience with CF so far?
Max: Thanks, Somer. I was diagnosed with the disease at 6 months, so I don’t ever remember living my life without CF. In some ways, I think that is easier because I (and my family) have had my whole life to get used to dealing with the challenges of it. Twice daily, I do my treatments of inhaled therapies to help with airway clearance. I also use a vibrating vest, and when I go camping or it’s not practical to bring the vest when traveling, I use lightweight, portable airway clearance devices. I also view my daily running as a part of my health routine. I think that running is incredibly important to help me feel my best mentally and physically.
To read more of our interview click here
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