My bday started off fabulously I just took the morning to Chillax with my babies. Canz came over and brought me some beautiful roses. Then I headed to morning coffee with Tara and Josh. Then I stopped by to say hi to my friends that were slaving away at the 1/2 yearly sale. Then it was off to meet the rents for coffee at 3 then I went to Elles for a bit then it was off to dinner.
I am sad my Bday is over but look forward to another amazing year! I can't wait to see what this year will have to offer. My life has been one incredible journey and I wouldn't change a thing! I truly am so lucky to have all the amazing people in my life that I do. I love you all and thank you for ALL that you do! I appreciate your love and support more then you will ever know!!
Today I received a package in the mail from my O so fabulous Cyster
Sharlie and she sent me this "magical" wand. It is going to bring all great things in abundance and make all my bday wishes come true! Thank you Shar, I absolutely love it!
I truly believe this year is going to be magical!!!
make a wish....
Coffee with the Rents @ 3:00 it's our lil tradition.....
Cheers to 29!!!!! We had dinner at TRIO and my friends Erica and Michelle work there so they helped make it so special! My parents decorated it with balloons before hand.
Makena and I opening some of my gifts that included a Box O gift cards and a painting of Madge that Shane helped me censor :)
The Cupcake festival.... The Lander family came over to celebrate too!
Thanks Shane and Tam for the Hula pug But Lilly fell in love with it and it has not left her side since. It's sleeps with her