Yes Patty, knock on wood I have never been stung by a bee, hornet, or wasp. To me they are all same and equally as scary. I am so scared of them and for some reason they always seem to find me. I once gave a wasp a 10 min ride on my shoulder unknowingly until someone was so kind to point it out well in between shrills almost fainting I was unharmed. They even seem to find me in the winter I have no idea...
I did read "The Secret Life of Bees" and in that book they described the creatures as angels or lil guardians so maybe that is what bees are for me my lil guardians.
Oscar on the other hand is not so lucky. Well if you remember back in April when I went to the Er and the next day Osc had to go to the ER. Well he was stung then, and again last Wed. I woke up to one itchy pug with a swollen eye. I thought not again, I gave him a benedryl and I think I caught just in time. He only got about three hives total rather then a whole body fully covered in big itchy hives. So I stayed home and worked on a painting so I could monitor his breathing. I gave him a benedryl every 6 hours and his eye returned to normal size and low and behold we made it without a trip to the ER.
Well most of you know Oscar has anxiety and is already a very sensitive pup. I think today the emotionally scars have finally healed. My poor lil guy was so scared of the grass and ground. He is back to following my every step but not without a thorough search of the ground he is about to embark on. The first night he wouldn't leave the couch so I made the most comfy bed for him and he would jump from furniture to furniture.
His poor lil swollen and itchy face. I found the bump right on his ear no wonder his eye got swollen.
oh that poor thing! I hope the swelling goes down and he feels better soon! :)
oh poor baby!!!!!! I'm so glad you thought fast with the benadryl!!! Isn't it tough when they aren't feeling well? I LOVE That he sits on the toilet like that. I don't think our Mitzu would do that...she likes the back of the couch :)
OMG I love that toilet picture!! It's so sad but so cute!!!!
Poor pup I hope the bees leave him alone!
Oh poor baby, how sad. I hope he is feeling better, physically and emotionally. He is a sensitive soul!!
Awww poor Ocs! I hope he feels better soon and the bees leave the poor guy alone!
How sad...his eye looked really bad. good he has you though to mend his ouies. he really get up on the toilet? so cute. Oh, and i got stung on the 4th of july. the stinger stayed in my foot. it hurt so bad!!!! i couldnt believe it.... so i feel for him.
Poor thing! I'm scared to death of bees, wasps, etc. Because as a child (about 5 yrs old) I sat next to a major bee hive and got stung multiple times on my face...not fun! It traumatized me for life!
Recently I was changing a tire on my wife's Jeep, and I rolled the flat over into a flower planter. There were hornets in there and I was stung six times before I even realized what was happening. It hurt but fortunately I am not allergic. I have been bitten by Copperheads twice, so maybe that's why hornet stings don't see so bad! ;-)
Poor Osc!! He looks so pitiful. :(
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