I've been bit by the work out bug...
So far so good. I decided that if I didn't have such a lofty goal I could attain it better. I got bit Aug 1st and my goal was to work out 30 min of cardio 3 days a week. I can do more if I want but I have to do 3 days for sure. Sounds silly but every day I complete that I get to put a star on my calendar. Well I have 12 stars :) Interesting this worked for me as a kid on different charts, looks like it still works. I have also been mixing in my Tracy Anderson doing the abs and arm workouts and also pushups.
Some of my accomplishments have been;
*Walking at 3.0 on a incline of 5 for 2 intervals
*10 pushups
*My Tracy DVD was collecting dust and after popping it in I completed the whole arm series
*mixing in a 3.5 for a couple of intervals
No running yet but I honestly can't remember the last time I did. I am on 4 liters when I work out I haven't checked my pulse ox while doing this. Perhaps maybe I should, to see if I can lower to 2 to 3 liters but I feel the more o2 pumping through the body the better.
Great job on the 12 stars!!!!!! Keep it up! I can't wait to see what it does for your lung function and energy level...
GOOD for YOU! Love Tracy! That arm work out is a killer!
That's great, Somer! I think that seeing those stars, you don't want to break that pattern.
I've started using my Total Gym again, just small increments, but enough to start the habit. Haven't gotten back to using the treadmill. I use 2L O2 when exercising.
The image of you having to use O2 to exercise makes me feel like a lazy lump of laziness with practically nothing standing in my way of exercising except for all the previously mentioned laziness. I'm going to start putting stars on my calendar too. I love stickers!
Good for you, I have been on an exercise hiatus for about 3 weeks. Just started back today. I hope I can get back to what I was doing. I was killin it before, then suddenly had no desire. I think I'll use you as motivation:)
thats Awesome! I need to get back into the cardio again....maybe you can help motivate me!
Good for you, you are my new motivator I'm starting next week. Hope to be a slimmer more fit me by the time you see me at xmas!
Good goals somer!
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