Monday, November 24, 2008

A note from Lissa

Hello, I would like to take a minute this week to say thank you for your support of Cystic Fibrosis. Since August my necklaces have raised over $600 for Love to Breathe, and at a recent silent auction they raised $600 more!  This never would have happened without the tireless efforts of my friends like Somer and Peg who spread the word on blogs, doctor appointments, the grocery store, the list goes on.  And also to all of you who have purchased a necklace or two (or several- Lisa I'm looking at you!) on etsy- a big thank you.   The holidays are upon us, and I am so excited this year (mostly because my daughter is finally old enough to notice lights, decorations, and presents.)  Remember- Love to Breathe necklaces would make lovely gifts. To make your gift giving a little easier I'm having a sale!  I have dropped the price to $30 with free shipping.  The donation to Love to Breathe remains $10, so your warm fuzzies from helping fund CF research will be just as great. Each necklace will come gift wrapped, with a cute tag which explains a bit about CF and Love to Breathe. Tell your friends, or just surprise them with a necklace of their own :) Thanks again, 

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